1. Canadian Academy of Prosthodontics, 1965, Québec City, Quebec
2. Province of Québec Association of Orthodontists, 1966, Montreal, Québec
3. Montreal Dental Club, 1966, Montreal, Québec
4. Northeastern Society of Orthodontists, 1967, Bermuda
5. Burlington Medical Center, Burlington, Vermont
6. Montreal Dental Club, 1970, Montreal, Québec
7. Canadian Dental Association, 1971, Ottawa, Ontario
8. The New Zealand Orthodontic Society, 1971, Rotura, New Zealand
9. Montreal Dental Club Fall Clinic, 1972, Montreal, Québec
10. Ottawa Dental Society, 1973, Ottawa, Ontario
11. Montreal Dental Forum, 1974, Montreal, Quebec
12. Montreal Dental Club, 1975, Montreal, Quebec
13. Academy of General Dentistry, 1976, Toronto, Ontario
14. Japan Orthodontic Society, 1976, Tokyo, Japan
15. The Upstate Strang-Tweed Study Group, 1978, Grand Island, New York
16. Northeastern Society of Orthodontists, 1979, Montreal, Quebec
17. Greater Washington Orthodontic Study Club, 1980, Washington D.C.
18. The Federation of Dental Societies of Greater Montreal, 1981, Montreal, Quebec
19. The E.F. Muir and N.F. Muir Memorial Lecture, 1981, Richmond, Virginia
20. Seventh District Orthodontic Society, 1981, Rochester, New York
21. Western New York Orthodontic Group, 1981, Buffalo, N.Y.
22. Quebec Association of Orthodontists, 1981, Montreal, Quebec
23. Ottawa Dental Study Club, 1982, Ottawa, Ontario
24. Greater Washington Orthodontic Study Club, 1982, Columbia, Maryland
25. The University of Zurich, 1982, Zurich, Switzerland
26. Toronto Orthodontic Club, 1982, Toronto, Ontario
27. In-Office Course, 1982, Montreal, Québec
28. Eastern Association of Strang-Tweed Study Group, 1982, New York City, N.Y.
29. Dr. Paul Geoffrion Seminar, 1983. Montreal, Québec
30. Tufts University, 1983, Boston, Mass.
31. Georgetown University, 1983, Washington, D.C.
32. German Orthodontic Society, 1984, Bruxelles, Belgium
33. In-Office Course, 1984, Montreal, Quebec
34. American Association of Orthodontists, 1985, Las Vegas, Nevada
35. Université Catholique de Louvain, 1985, Bruxelles, Belgium
36. North Carolina Orthodontic Association, 1986, Raleigh,
37. In-Office Course, 1986, Montreal, Québec
38. Cleveland Society of Orthodontists, 1986, Cleveland, Ohio
39. Canadian Dental Association Grieve Memorial Lecture, 1986, Halifax, N.S.
40. Middle Atlantic Society of Orthodontists, 1986, Philadelphia, PA
41. Université Catholique de Louvain, 1987, Bruxelles, Belgium
42. Orthodontic Alumni Society of Columbia University, 1987, White Plains, N.Y.
43. Georgetown University Orthodontic Alumni and Greater Washington Orthodontic Study Club, 1987, Greenbelt, Maryland
44. The Federation of Dental Societies of Greater Montreal, 1988, Montreal, Québec
45. Northeastern Society of Orthodontists, 1988, Hartford, Connecticut
46. Association Dentaire Francaise, 1988, Paris, France
47. Puerto Rico Society of Orthodontists, 1989, San Juan, Puerto Rico
48. University of Buffalo Orthodontic Alumni Association, 1989, Buffalo, N.Y.
49. Georgetown University Orthodontic Alumnae, and Greater Washington Orthodontic Study Club, 1989, Washington, D.C.
50. ln-Office Course, 1989, Montreal, Québec
51. Emory University Orthodontic Alumni Association, 1990, Atlanta, Georgia
52. The University of Western Ontario, 1990, London, Ontario
53. American Association of Orthodontists, 1990, Washington, D.C.
54. The Canadian Foundation for the Advancement of Orthodontics, 1991, Québec City
55. Rhode Island Association of Orthodontists, 1992, North Providence, UI.
56. University of Montreal Orthodontic Department,1992, Montreal, Québec
57. Middle Atlantic Society of Orthodontists, 1992, Philadelphia, PA
58. Montreal Dental Club, 1993. Montreal, Québec
59. American Association of Orthodontists, 1993, Toronto, Ontario
60. The Israel Orthodontic Society,1994. Tel-Aviv, Israel
61. Howard University Department of Orthodontics Anniversary Symposium,1994. Arlington, Virginia
62. Southern Ontario Surgical Orthodontic Study , 1994
63. Alberta Society of Orthodontists, 1996, Calgary, Alberta
64. International Association of Orofacial Myology, 1997, Montreal, Québec
65. Canadian Association of Orthodontists, 1998, Montreal, Québec
66. American Association of Orthodontists, 2006, Toronto, Ontario
67. McGill University Faculty of Dentistry, 2006, Montreal. Quebec
68. Université de Montreal, Department of Orthodontics, 2007, Montreal, Québec
69. University Maryland, Department of Orthodontics, 2007, Baltimore Maryland